We're very excited. Hopefully he doesn't look like this....
but if he does we will still love him! Congrats, Sherstine! P.S. Riley wants his cake!!! (sherstine and riley put a bet on what gender the babe was going to be, Riley won. He gets a cake)
-she loved peeps -she taught me how to dive off of the high dive...after patiently waiting for 20 mins at the end of the board with me -she had great legs -she had a visible four pack -she never had anything mean to say about anyone,... unless you are the married guy who asked her out on a date - she taught me how to make paper boats - when i got a bad grade on a test she would by me chocolate milk - she had hard, calloused hands from ALWAYS working so hard -she was always the first to do something new. if it was awesome, she'd tell me about it -when she was fasting she would spend at least five minutes spitting out all the water after brushing her teeth being sure not to swallow anything -she loved shells and cheese with me -every girl wanted to be her and all the boys wanted to date her - she carried me piggy back on the ice after i fell on my crutches -she always did everything 110% -we almost got arrested together and laughed about it after the shock wore off -i spilled purple finger nail polish on her mom's couch. she put masking tape over it and flipped the cushion - we once thought we were drunk off of water -she always gave people the benefit of the doubt, even the "ankle biters" -she stretched out my favorite brown shoes and tried soaking them in water to get them to shrink back up. i still have those shoes -she made green taffeta look good -she congratulated me when i was fired from HONK'S -when we thought we were drowning in the ocean getting sucked out farther and farther she pushed me toward the shore and said, "save yourself!" -we talked for hours about nothing, anything and everything and did the same thing the next night -when obnoxious, nerdy boys came over she fed them biscuits while i hid in my room -she introduced me to AIDA -in my eyes she was a professional at everything
I could go on and on, but for now i'll stop. i think about you everyday and sometimes hold Emmy just a little but longer because i know she was with you just a short time ago. Every time i make a four layered cake i will think of you. i love you cuzin!!!!