Saturday, September 27, 2008

Death by Exercise

My manager at work got to go to a fitness luncheon at St. Al's yesterday and she brought back a flier that got me into a free work out with Tony Horton (P90 & P90X founder, work out DVD's) and SIREN from American Gladiators! I definately took advantage of this in spite of the early hours of sweating I don't usually do on a Saturday morning. SIREN was very fierce and she-man looking in her postcard that she signed for me but in person she was quite petite and not quite as endowed if you know what I'm saying. She was really nice and had an amazing bod! Oh if only! I got a pic with Tony and he said, "Sweet! You're promoting ice cream while working out." I laughed awkwardly and thought, "Geez! Is it that obviously that I have an ice cream now and then?" But after the fluttering stopped from touching the medical marvel of a sculpted body I remembered I was wearing my Maggie Moo's Ice Cream shirt from when I worked there in high school.
I highly suggest zooming in on this amazing bod! (His. Not mine)


Seth and Brittney said...

Erika, we are totally Tony fans in this house! Seth does his ab workout everyday and Tony's thigh routine was my best friend in high school! How cool!

the mortensen's said...

So we know how he got his body, but did you ask him where he got his teeth?
Your brother dental student

the mortensen's said...

good one wayne-now I actually have time to read your blog, yesterday I got on long enough to see pics before I barfed. That is hilarious that he noticed you ice cream shirt. He looks like he's had a little work done to his face.....

Melanie said...

I tried to P90X once and I'm afraid to ever do something that torturous to my body ever again. I am also afraid of Tony so i think you're brave to meet him and pose in a picture. His teeth are amazing. I bet they're fake.