Gav and Liv were over the other afternoon so we made cupcakes with green food coloring and black and orange sprinkles.
Emmy and I had little photo shoot. Emmy loves to pose for the camera. This girl LOVES her baby! I will find pools of whatever Emmy was drinking all over the floor because she wanted to, " share with baby." She also puts her to bed several times a day. The following story is a result of this swollen, numb knee. Riley was scheduled for surgery. He went in had the "block" for his knee, had all the loopy meds and they were about to "put him under" when the nurse comes out to tell me, " We have a little problem." ( you NEVER tell that to a women who is waiting for her husband to come out of surgery and who's husband had just called you back to pre-op to make sure I knew where all of the Life Insurance information was. Granted he was under heavy meds at that point) Apparently, his doc was at the hosp in the middle of a surgery and passed out. We later found out he had the flu pretty bad. He had a very short, successful surgery the following week. All is well.